Friday, March 21, 2008

Saw this idea on a scrapper's blog - I think you are supposed to be tagged to do it, but it made me want to write and it got me here, so I guess it's an ok rule to flout. If you hear tell of a woman being struck down by some sort of random heavy object falling out of the sky a la Wile E. Cayote, well, then, I guess I was wrong.

100 Things About Me

1. My husband and I both moved to NH because our fathers worked for Data General.
2. Our mothers are both named Linda.
3. We both have one aunt - they are both named Carol.
4. My mother-in-law took a picture of me at least a year before I met her son. We were in the same play (didn't share scenes) and she liked my costume.
5. My bookshelves are arranged in an A-Z system using either the author's last name or the subject the books are about. This lets me keep all the books about Yellow Woman and the Yellow Wallpaper together, for instance.
6. The bible I got in 3rd grade is in the G section.
7. I was diagnosed with Diabetes on June 13, 1985.
8. It was a fucking Friday. My luck has been 'unique' ever since.
9. Before I had the muscle cut, I could fit two quarters between the gap in my upper front teeth.
10. I love to play cards. I can't wait until my kids are old enough to play Spoons.
11. I'm a certified teacher but I will probably homeschool my kids.
12. We named our dog after Mad Eye Moody before we got him. We expected a bruiser of a puppy. He weighed 4 pounds when we got him and has perhaps the most ill-fitting name of a pet I've ever met.
13. I wish I had straight hair but I'm hoping my daughter has curly hair like me.
14. It still pisses me off that Farscape was cancelled due to expenses when the SciFi channel decides to make movie after stupid movie with names like "Mansquito".
15. All the male roommates I've ever had shared first names with Apostles.
16. I don't have any frakking idea what an Apostle is.
17. I'm taking Scottish Fiddle lessons. Playing with someone else is one of the things that makes me extremely happy.
18. My Hippology team lost the first place tie-breaker by one half a point at Nationals.
19. I tried out for the 4H Dairy Quiz Bowl team because someone laughed at me when I said I thought it could be done. I came in first at the state tryouts.
20. Right now I own the least amount of shoes I have ever owned. Partial reasons are: my feet got about half a size larger after my first baby, I have been seriously purging the house of unnecessary clutter for the last two years, and I don't have an outside job.
21. I wear Crocs more than any other shoe.
22. All of my pants are from The Gap except one pair.
23. When I was ten or eleven I broke my tailbone while sledding down the back hill at my grandparent's house. I hit a small stump and it left an impression of itself in my sled Tom and Jerry style.
24. My brother and I tried to get each other's heads to ring like bells by wearing the big pan on our heads and having the other hit it with a wooden spoon. A lot of what we did was inspired by Tom and Jerry.
25. My favorite gift from Santa was the My Little Pony Dream Castle.
26. I didn't learn how to accurately tell time on an analog clock until I started working in the Resource Room at an elementary school.
27. I took banjo lessons when I was ten and eleven.
28. I think Stephenie Meyers has a long way to go before she becomes a skilled writer. I think her editors need to be publicly humiliated. Despite all this I reread all three of her vampire books frequently. She's tapped into the imagination of my inner teenage girl so well that I don't care how contrived her plots become.
29. My favorite author of all time is Robin McKinley. I think she is one of the most skilled writers I have ever read and I wish I had her ability to use language.
30. I liked reading The Heart of Darkness in college.
31. It took me 5 years to get an English degree at a university that did not require final projects, theses, or exit exams.
32. I think the drinking age needs to be graduated like driver's licenses are. I think every young person who goes to college or off on his or her own should know what it feels like to be affected by alcohol so they can make their choices before they are drunk for the first time. I think this because I was a part of my university's judicial system and most of the cases we saw were related to alcohol.
33. Having children has changed some of my thinking on abortion but has not altered my thoughts on the legislation of abortion.
34. I love TV.
35. I used to be a huge Garth Brooks fan but now I think 90 percent of his music is terrible.
36. My favorite background movies are The Mummy, Gross Pointe Blank, The Princess Bride, The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, and Serenity.
37. I thought I wanted to be a writer when I left high school. After 3 years as an English major I realized there were a lot of other things that I wanted to do and that I had nothing to write about. Ten to twelve years later I think of things to write about often. I think about writing little books for my kids but never seem to get to it.
38. I am learning a lot about how to think about housework from the Flylady. I tend not to follow her rules to the letter. I refuse to follow her "dress to your lace up shoes" at all. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I believe that if I'm staying in the house all day to clean or otherwise get messy it is unforgivable to put nice, new clothes on when yesterdays pants would work just as well. It wastes resources when we create that extra laundry. Plus, the no shoes thing is a benefit of giving up a great job.
39. I've tinfoiled someone's bathroom while they were on vacation, right down to the single nail that was in the medicine cabinet.
40. The tinfoiled friends came into our house and labeled everything with it's German, Italian, or French word. After two years we've just about stopped finding sticky notes.
41. I started scrapbooking to make a baby book for my son. And then I thought it would be fun to scrap our Halloween parties. And then I thought it would be a good idea to make pages for the grandparents, most of whom are very hard to shop for at present times. And this was all before I'd tried scrapbooking and had no idea what I was in for. Now most of my friends tend to describe as a scrapbooker. I'm very worried about coming off as a nutjob.
42. I am a scrapbooker, though, and I tend to have a hard time fitting in with many of the scrapbookers I come across on the message boards. I'm an extremely liberal person and there are large numbers of women on the message boards who are not. I don't offend easily, but the last few times I have felt offense has been on these boards. I think it bothers me more than it ought because I generally like most of these same women when we're talking about other hobbies or just scrapbooking stuff and I feel at home on one particular message board. I do not like to feel like I do not fit in in my "home". But sometimes I get tired of walking away.
43. This summer we got a spinning clothesline. I kind of like the chore of laundry anyway, but I found myself living in accordance with the weather and the day instead of fitting laundry in between everything else I wanted to do that day. A dry, sunny day kept me home tending this line. I felt much more connected to the ground around me during this time and I can't wait until we can put the clothesline back up again this year. We've got and indoor line and a rack and if I plan just right I can do laundry without my dryer. I have the Flylady to credit for this - she encourages us to do one load (completely) per day - this way you don't run out of clothes and don't get overwhelmed by the presence of 6 loads of laundry on your bedroom floor.
44. I have two favorite sweets. One was the order of deep fried oreo cookies we had at the Deerfield Fair last fall. The other was a piece of the chocolate cake the boys brought back one night when we were over in Raymond the summer I was pregnant with my first child. That cake was so good that it was the third best sweet I've ever had when it came back up an hour later.
45. We used to have themed Halloween parties, complete with a pin the tail on the ______ game that went with the theme. We've pinned the scar on Harry Potter, the ring on Frodo (that one was 3-D), and pin the hand on the wench's ass. We've also had a superheroes and an 80's party.
46. There are two thumbprints on my kitchen wall from the Pin the Hand on the Wench's Ass party. I made the wench too small for the hand's my friend cut out so we improvised and used thumbprints instead. The thumbprints are highly visible depending on the amount of stuff on my china cabinet. I love seeing them there.
47. I fenced in college. I had to learn to fence left-handed as I had not really recovered from an injury to my right wrist.
48. I was a magnificently mediocre fencer.
49. I was in my first week of teaching on 9/11. Our principal called all the teachers to the library in the morning. We knew something had happened when we were told to leave our students in the room even if someone had not yet arrived to cover us. We did not tell the students anything. For the next several months the airplanes showed up in a lot of drawings. I have seen a lot of drawings from children who were in NY at the time.
50. I am told I don't look as heavy as I actually am.
51. The sound of people praying in large groups reminds me of the Borg speaking.
52. I'm allergic to my wedding ring.
53. I do not want to be given flowers or other gifts after a fight. I reserve the right to give up a grudge on my own time, without manipulation.
54. My grandmother was 101 and a half years old when she died. There are a hundred years between her and her great-granddaughter.
55. I used something I learned as an English major every single day I taught elementary school.
56. I read the Hobbit to my students in January because I was always sick during those months and it made for a great Golum voice.
57. My favorite character to read was the dragon. I read him slowly and very coldly. Once a boy in the front row shivered and actually pushed back a little bit.
58. I like snowshoeing much better than summer hiking.
59. I get very cranky in the heat.
60. The best pictures ever taken of me have all been taken by my father-in-law.
61. I wish to become a skilled photographer.
62. My brother and I used to refer to each other as Lenny or Squiggy.
63. I wear glasses. I tried very hard to get contacts to work but I could never get them to stay in for more than 15 minutes.
64. I think there should be a cap on malpractice payouts so the cost of insurance for doctor's will go down.
65. There is sand on my scalp from the crazy wind we had today.
66. I have one tattoo. Most everyone has seen it.
67. I felt the blood stop in my veins and my breath catch the first time I heard the strings in the middle of Top of the World.
68. I have never spoken to a celebrity or an otherwise famous person. Vondi Curtis was on the same ferry I took to Martha's Vineyard once, and I walked past him but that was it.
69. I love Peeps.
70. My elementary school music teacher frightened me so much that I wouldn't take chorus or music lessons when they were offered. I have to ask a lot of basic questions during my lessons.
71. I'm pretty sure no one reads this blog.
72. That isn't as freeing as you might think. There are ten or fifteen things about myself I have negged just because someone might actually read this.
73. Bellanca has been my screen name since 1993.
74. There are about 800 books in my library. This doesn't include my classroom books, which are packed away in the attic.
75. Right now I am listening to Great Big Sea's Turn when I'm in the car.
76. One of the first things I do every day is check to see if there is another installment of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels at the Pioneerwoman's blog. Her posts on photography have highly influenced my continued interest in getting a digital SLR.
77. I miss Diet Apple Slice. And Diet Squirt, but not quite as much.
78. My cousin and I have the same first and middle last name. Our final initials have always been the same, even married.
79. Some of my favorite vacation places are New Orleans, the Canadian Maritimes, and Bar Harbor.
80. I like Red Delicious apples the most.
81. One of my dreams is to have outdoor showers we can use in the summer that come from solar heated rain water.
82. No matter how cold Big Boyd Lake is, I will always get in so I can wash my hair out each day.
83. I can put up with quite a bit if I have a shower and a cold Diet Pepsi in the morning. Scrambled eggs will make me near beatific.
84.I'm not positive I used the word beatific in number 83.
85. I have to put a great deal of effort into not saying osKILLating or subterFUDGE.
86. I keep forgetting there is a gap between my teeth.
87. Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion are my favorite Jane Austen novels.
88. If I don't have music to listen to I don't exercise.
89. I love the sight of rock walls running through the woods.
90. I despise the use of IM speak in the emails and posts of adults. I will not give something I have to offer on Freecycle to someone who uses this in their request. I often won't respond to someone's post on message boards for the same reason. I'm not sure why I am so annoyed by this. I think this is really what a pet peeve is.
91. I can't stand Jane Austen's Emma.
92. I love salads with lots of things in them - beans, corn or peas, craisins, cheese, and all the regular things.
93. My favorite recipe from the Moosewood cookbook is the Protein Salad.
94. I use to love watching Danny Kaye movies when I was babysitting late at night.
95. I saw Poltergeist at a friend's house. I was seven and the night before that day was the last time I slept easily or well for YEARS.
96. Zombie movies scare me beyond any entertainment value.
97. I don't enjoy apocalypse type story lines.
98. I'm on Team Jacob.
99. One of my favorite items of clothing is my dark blue fleece from EMS.
100. I am exactly where I wish to be.


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