Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm in that limbo stage again of needing to find something *new* to read.  Two of the series that have occupied my time for the last year or so have finished off.  I finished Kushiel's Mercy a week or two ago, with just enough time to reread through parts of it before Breaking Dawn was released last Saturday.  I finished Breaking Dawn very late Saturday night and while I'm still rereading specific chunks of it I am also trying to figure out where to go from here.  One of the things I like about Fantasy books is that they tend to be lengthy books with a number of sequels.  If you are a fast reader or a constant reader, or some sort of reader in between, single, stand-alone books of any genre can be a little disappointing.  I remember staring at the books in a new bookstore on Main Street in Marlborough when I was probably 11 years old.  At the time there were new Bobbsey Twin books out as well as the Cheerleader and Sweet Valley High books and all of them cost about $4 and were skinny, to boot. I actually chose not to spend my money on any book that day because I knew I would just be disapointed in the end.  I am happy for middle-school aged readers today because there is just so much more to choose from than there was 20 years ago.

I'm leaving for a short vacation in a few days and I'm trying to decide what to bring for reading material now. If I could find it I would bring Eat Pray Love but I seem destined to find and loose that book again and again. 

My trip to Barnes and Noble last night was a little frustrating - vampires are EVERYWHERE.  I liked the Stephenie Meyers vamps but the only other "traditional" vamp stories I can bear are the Southern Vampire books.   I've tried picking up some of the other vampire related books and I just can't stomach them.  I wouldn't want to read about the Southern Vampires if it weren't for Sookie, and I would be less inclined to like the SM's vamps were they not "vegetarian".   It feels like a pretty long wait until Robin McKinley's next book (which is not vamp related) comes out this fall and it is definitely a long while before we'll get the next Sookie Stackhouse book. 

I couldn't even find a good suduko book to take up north.  Starting to worry, over here.  


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