Bellanca's Library

Monday, October 13, 2008

Interesting little do-hicky we got here. It's too late to go research their calculation methods here, but the "readability" formulas I've seen/used generally do something like compare number of syllables/words/sentences in a set amount of text.

blog readability test

Movie Reviews

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ok, so I'm (really, we're) getting the granddaddy of all early Christmas presents next Wednesday. I need to prep for that and get this room back into thinking order. It's seriously damaging my calm and my ability to create.

And of course, the Halloween party is on the 25th. We absolutely positively have to have an immaculate house if we're really going to do up the theme "Alternate Universe".

Here's what I'm trying to work with now:

I'm challenging myself to see how far I can get with taming this mess. I've got an all day crop on Sunday and this mess is just frakking with my page-making-kit chi. More pictures to follow, hopefully showing an improved thinking atmosphere.